Translating l33tsp3ak to human and the other way around as well as maintaining this awesome website.
Team members
- Gerard Janssen - Reporter
- Jort Geurts - Communications Specialist
- Marieke Rijken - Head of Communications
- Marten de Groot - Just Another Dev
- Serena de Pater - Researcher / Communications specialist
Org chart
flowchart LR
p751352[Chris van 't Hof\n]
p751352[Chris van 't Hof\n]
p2081735[Dirk Maij\n]
subgraph communications-6595f95b[Communications]
p751045[Gerard Janssen\nReporter]
p13977990[Jort Geurts\nCommunications Specialist]
p2081754[Marieke Rijken\nHead of Communications]
p14048615[Marten de Groot\nJust Another Dev]
p13448103[Serena de Pater\nResearcher / Communications specialist]
p2081754 --- p751045
p751352 --- p13977990
p751352 --- p2081754
p2081735 --- p14048615
p2081754 --- p13448103
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